
What we offer

We offer you active management in a broad range of investment capabilities and styles. You get a choice of core and specialist investment products and strategies designed to meet your needs. Our expertise stretches from:

  • The developed world to emerging markets
  • Single country to global strategies
  • Thematic to sector portfolios

To help you meet your investment goals you can rely on more than 500 expert investment professionals – including portfolio managers averaging more than a decade of experience with our firm.

A broad range of investment capabilities and style

Allianz Global Investors has a broad range of expertise covering a wide number of geographies and investment styles:

  • Value – US, Global, Emerging Markets, Europe, UK
  • Growth – US, Europe, Asia, Global
  • Systematic – Emerging Markets, Managed Volatility, Best Styles
  • Sector and Specialty – Technology, Agricultural, Sustainable and Responsible Investing


To create sustainable outperformance, detailed market knowledge is essential. We use a global research platform that both informs our investment decisions and helps you understand the markets. This means you benefit from the best talent in investment expertise. It allows for in-depth insights while fostering independent thinking across asset classes. Allianz Global Investors is committed to proprietary research and innovative thinking and has long offered unique insights into the economy and financial markets through a range of thought leadership pieces, academic white papers and investment research, equipping our clients with the insight and understanding they need to make better informed investment decisions about the critical issues affecting them.


At Allianz Global Investors, we view risk as both a challenge and an opportunity, which is why we believe that risk management is fundamental to portfolio construction and central to our investment process. We make extensive use of state-of-the-art technology and cutting edge processes to ensure compliance with client guidelines and believe that continuous risk monitoring is key for a successful and sustainable investment process.

Highlighted Strategies

The Allianz Global AC Equity Insights Fund is a high conviction, active, global fund which takes a go-anywhere unconstrained approach to investing in global equity markets.
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If you have any questions or would like any further information, we invite you to contact us.

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