Our history
Allianz Global Investors today
Globally integrated asset manager


Extending our expertise
Allianz Capital Partners joined the firm in 2018, further extending our expertise in private markets and renewables.
Rogge Global Partners was acquired to grow global fixed income money management capabilities.
A pioneer in sustainable investing

How we built our business
AllianzGI has established strong, fast-growing alternatives alongside its equity, fixed income and multi-asset capabilities.

Client-focused by design
One business. One name.


Acquisition of Dresdner Bank and PIMCO Group
Allianz acquired Dresdner Bank in 2001, bringing Dresdner Asset Management Group, including Dresdner RCM Global Investors, into the asset management business.
The acquisition of the PIMCO Group, incorporating NFJ Investment Group and Oppenheimer Capital, took place in 2000 and was followed by the acquisition of Nicholas-Applegate Capital Management in 2001.