Allianz Europe Equity Growth Select
Fund for large-capitalized growth stocks from Europe
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Fund for large-capitalized growth stocks from Europe
199.4000 EUR
Redemption Price 199.4000 EURas of 20/02/2025
Redemption Price Change -0.42%as of 20/02/2025
The risk and reward indicator can have a value of 1 (typically lower returns; lower risk) to 7 (typically higher returns; higher risk). A risk and reward indicator is identified for each fund, which is calculated based on the fund’s volatility. The volatility describes how much the value of the fund rose or fell historically. In the past, the funds in risk and reward profile categories 1 to 7 have had very low (category 1) to very high (category 7) volatility. The shares of a fund in risk and reward profile categories 1 to 7 may be subject to very low to very high price fluctuations based on the historical volatilities observed.
as of 20/02/2025
A ranking, rating or award is not an indicator of future performance and is subject to change over time. Ratings as at dd/mm/yy Morningstar Rating. Data source – © 2007 Morningstar, Inc., all rights reserved. The information given here: (1) is protected by copyright for Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be reproduced or distributed; and (3) is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete or up-to-date. Morningstar strives to provide the current data to Allianz Global Investors on the eighth business day after the end of each month. This data is promptly processed and provided to Internet users. Morningstar and its content providers assume no responsibility for any losses or damage that result from any use of the information provided. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. To determine the Morningstar Rating, funds of a comparable group in issue for at least three years are considered. The long-term performance serves as a basis, taking into account fees and risk. As a result, the funds are awarded stars, which are calculated monthly:
Top 10 % | ★★★★★ |
Next 22.5 % | ★★★★ |
Middle 35 % | ★★★ |
Next 22.5 % | ★★ |
Flop 10 % | ★ |
Star rating since: 31/01/2025 (Peergroup: Europe Large-Cap Growth Equity)
Giovanni Trombello
Since 12/05/2020
Andreas Hildebrand
Since 10/10/2023
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