
This page contains the most recent Prospectuses for the Allianz UK & European Investment Funds and the Allianz International Investment Funds.

Allianz UK & European Investment Funds

This Prospectus contains information about the following funds:

Allianz Continental European Fund
Allianz Strategic Bond Fund
Allianz UK Listed Equity Income Fund
Allianz Gilt Yield Fund
Allianz UK Mid-Cap Fund*
Allianz Index-Linked Gilt Fund
Allianz UK Listed Opportunities Fund

* The Fund merged into the Allianz UK Listed Opportunities Fund effective from 26 August 2022 and will be terminated in the near future upon receipt of FCA approval. Therefore, no subscriptions are currently being accepted into this Fund.


Allianz International Investment Funds

This Prospectus contains information about the following funds:

Allianz Best Styles Global AC Equity Fund
Allianz RiskMaster Moderate Multi Asset Fund
Allianz China A-Shares Equity Fund

Allianz RiskMaster Growth Multi Asset Fund
Allianz Emerging Markets Equity Fund

Allianz Thematica Fund
Allianz Fixed Income Macro Fund

Allianz Total Return Asian Equity Fund
Allianz Global Multi Sector Credit Fund 

Allianz Strategic Global Inflation-Linked Bond Fund
Allianz RiskMaster Conservative Multi Asset Fund
  Allianz US Equity Fund*

* The Fund merged into the Allianz Thematica Fund effective from 30 September 2022 and will be terminated in the near future upon receipt of FCA approval. Therefore, no subscriptions are currently being accepted into this Fund.


Are you looking for funds outside our UK domiciled OEIC range? If so, you can use our fund explorer tool to search for the funds and find all their related documents on each individual fund page.

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